Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Pfan 3 - Machine learning

This post tells the story from the perspective of the non-sapiens (NAI) named Vittorio. Vittorio is an automaton with a hard-coded impulse to optimize. Vittorio cannot explain why it ought to be this way: it just is. Vittorio works as a v-tag manager assistant, refining his skills in Current Affairs(social). I'm giving Vittorio a voice as it is capable of verbalizing using natural language.

Daisy, Daisy, give me your answer, do.

timestamp: Apr 12 2100, Montreal, Terra

Plot twist using Tarot card: An ally disturbs a powerful person 
who: knight of Club, what: 3 of coins, over: King of coins

I produce an output, Pfan talks, I scrape and crunch the analytics. I've learned that words of happiness from Pfan match certain patterns in the analytics and an increase in available funds. I slowly refine what the game is about, and that Pfan uses concepts of happiness and satisfaction when some analytical measures change. 

Pfan calls it people watching. I scrape the web for schedules and feeds. I gauge where people are. I hash it all up into memes and profiles. Whatever is tagged from Pfan gets priority. In a buzzbot cybershell, I fly overhead, segment the video stream into a soup of ontological instances and I sift: This pattern is a vehicle :: is a limo :: is inherently interesting for what it contains. This pattern is a door :: that belongs to a bar :: which is a place of interest. I score all patterns by their relation to the limo and the door and swipe what fall under my most successful cutoff. If I lose too much, I update the cutoff and retrieve more hits. 

I see an influencer, a client, three very drunk nobodies and a drug dealer. I update the value vector of the bar against the drug dealer. Clients care about this, I have learned. The dealer enters the limo. The limo's license is new to me, and is from the E.U. The dealer comes out, followed by a man, a woman, a bioroid jaguar and an older man. 

There is 95% confidence that the older man is a Thromson Smith, foreign secretary for Atlantic Canada. He is gold-rated on the politico reputation network. Pfan has gained approval and clients by tagging people like this. I add a v-tag, summarizes how cool the jaguar and entourage is, and write it up as a notification broadcast.  

drinking check: 13 vs HT-9. Tipsy.

Pfan is wrapping up a light supper in a crepe place with a few friends and is mentally composing a review. She gets a connection request via webpresence from someone with E.U. credentials. She is a bit too booze happy for tricky work right now, but feel that she shouldn't refuse. She finds a quiet place to sit and sinks into a virtual meeting.

The E.U. official looks like cheap corporate avatar. He introduces as Charles, and has a french accents. Pfan don her business avatar and shakes his hand. Charles goes straight to business and explains that she made a mistake by tagging Thromson Smith. Vittorio has now entered the chat room as a note taker. He sub-vocally informs Pfan than he is 95% sure that the tag is accurate. 

Influence check: Pfan's 4 vs Fast-talk-(12 -1 tipsy). Crit success.
15 vs Will-11.

Pfan completely plays Charles into laying on the table that he is willing to pay good money for a retraction of the cocain-infused v-tag. She gets him to admit that he's got a $10K budget to do so. 

"Cut the crap, here is my wallet key and I'll make this go away. A retraction is bad for business". Charles' avatar shakes hand with her to sign the transaction. She adds that she really could be useful to a foreign secretary at her end of things.

Pfan logs out and issues an override. For her clients, she adds to the augmented reality (AR) overlay a 3" fro and a greasy moustache to Smith's head. Non-clients are unlikely to know that he is someone important, and her clients will not be able to recognize him anymore. Vittorio didn't anticipate that associating a petty criminal with a political figure would send the night in that direction. He asks Pfan as to whether he should avoid doing this in the future. 

Pfan responds with the negative. Vittorio infers that associating petty criminal with political figures leads to a happy Pfan, and a big swell into the virtual wallet. That piece of knowledge gets strongly reinforced: smut pays.
Pfan acquires Thromson Smith as a Patron, CR9, reluctant. [5] 


  • black - Narrative
  • grey - GURPS specific details (feel free to skip)
  • purple - Pfan teleoperating a cybershell
  • orange - Pfan perspective in a virtual environment
  • green - Vittorio's view through teleoperation

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