Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Rust, Episode 1 - Harlots with thornes


The Eros series of boiroid is a family of pleasure clones sold under a license seeing widespread usage on Mars. The Rust Chinese administration tolerate their sales as service industry workers, a claim causing much eye-rolling on the red planet. Business interest connected to the Martian triads claim intellectual property on the line. The use of artificial sapiens in the sex trade is a watershed issue for the boiroid rights movement. 

Monday, August 1, 2016

The secret life of sapiens AIs

I've recently written about whether artificial intelligence would evolve to be ethical and lawful, and what would be their attitude to what we consider to be our reality. As AIs evolve their own economies and societies, there will be a point where "virtual" and "artificial" will become antiquated terms. Let's assume that the universe of Transhuman Space lies just beyond this line. 

key insight: I'm exploring how sapiens AIs would organize themselves in ways that do not need to make sense to denizen in the physical world. This would throw a spin on how stories develop in the Transhuman space universe.